Go Time.
Go time.
I've written my entire life: journals (aka diary), essays (aka college assignments), poetry, novella's, Nano-Wrimo... I've edited, revised and polished... then done it again. I've taken college courses to the point where I've debated a second master's degree, I've attended hours of meetings with Willamette Writer's, PDX Writer's, Portland Women's Writers... I've saturated my life as much as I can to achieve those 10,000 hours. I've written stories upon stories upon stories... only two complete novels and I love them both and I'm ready to pitch. (That was a run-on and I know it- but it belonged together and I like breaking rules).
The Willamette Writer's Conference is happening the first weekend in August. I'm ready. I'm pitching my Women's Contemporary Lit/Romance - beta readers opinion vary on where it lies - the title is "Twisted Disposition". It’s about a teacher who creates chaos when she has to care for her psychotic best friend and then finds herself falling in love with a successful man who has a history of mental illness. It’s like a mental health happy hour. Everyone’s having a breakdown and everyone likes to talk about it. Like my book club.
It answers the age old questions of:
**** foot note:
*best* hobby ever!
I've written my entire life: journals (aka diary), essays (aka college assignments), poetry, novella's, Nano-Wrimo... I've edited, revised and polished... then done it again. I've taken college courses to the point where I've debated a second master's degree, I've attended hours of meetings with Willamette Writer's, PDX Writer's, Portland Women's Writers... I've saturated my life as much as I can to achieve those 10,000 hours. I've written stories upon stories upon stories... only two complete novels and I love them both and I'm ready to pitch. (That was a run-on and I know it- but it belonged together and I like breaking rules).
The Willamette Writer's Conference is happening the first weekend in August. I'm ready. I'm pitching my Women's Contemporary Lit/Romance - beta readers opinion vary on where it lies - the title is "Twisted Disposition". It’s about a teacher who creates chaos when she has to care for her psychotic best friend and then finds herself falling in love with a successful man who has a history of mental illness. It’s like a mental health happy hour. Everyone’s having a breakdown and everyone likes to talk about it. Like my book club.
It answers the age old questions of:
So you’re crazy, now what?
What to expect when you’re expecting a break down.
Can mental health or lack thereof, be funny?
What does it mean when you begin craving 5150?
What’s it like to witness someone lose their mind?
How would it feel to be totally responsible for that
person? What would you do?
And the all-encompassing question: What’s it like when the
person you know best in the world – the one you are most comfortable with –
begins to have a twisted disposition?
I'm pitching to three agents - chosen after much deliberation on my part. First, I checked what they were looking for - what genre. Then, I looked at their agent pages and made sure they would be a good fit for my story. Okay, I also stalked their goodreads pages, facebook, twitter and any blogs that mentioned them. All that's left is meeting them at the conference and giving the best synopsis of my novel (which I'm hoping writing poetry helped me with - it's all about word essence - less is more).
Why do I feel I need to take a Xanax?
**** foot note:
*best* hobby ever!
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