Go Time.
Go time. I've written my entire life: journals (aka diary), essays (aka college assignments), poetry, novella's, Nano-Wrimo... I've edited, revised and polished... then done it again. I've taken college courses to the point where I've debated a second master's degree, I've attended hours of meetings with Willamette Writer's, PDX Writer's, Portland Women's Writers... I've saturated my life as much as I can to achieve those 10,000 hours. I've written stories upon stories upon stories... only two complete novels and I love them both and I'm ready to pitch. (That was a run-on and I know it- but it belonged together and I like breaking rules). The Willamette Writer's Conference is happening the first weekend in August. I'm ready. I'm pitching my Women's Contemporary Lit/Romance - beta readers opinion vary on where it lies - the title is "Twisted Disposition". It’s about a teacher who creates chaos ...