10 Quotes by Children's Authors on Writing
10 Brilliant Quotes by Children's Authors on Writing: 10. So the writer that breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads. - Dr. Seuss 9. If writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk, then adhasdh asdglaseuyt[bn[ pasdlgkhasdfasdf. - Lemony Snicket , Horseradish 8. A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom. He has no master except his own soul, and that, I am sure, is why he does it. - Roald Dahl 7. …I’d write about places I knew something of and people that spoke everyday English… - Gilbert Blythe (Anne: The Sequel) 6. Don’t write about Man; write about a man. - E. B. White, Charlotte’s Web 5. I don’t necessarily start with the beginning of the book. I just start with the part of the story that’s most vivid in my imagination and work forward and backward from there. - Beverly Cleary 4. I do my best to simplify and refine, to be logical and harmonious. But I a...