
Showing posts from September, 2014

Say it, "Suicide." In encourage you to watch the Upworthy video with Mariel Hemingway.  One of my favorite quotes from the video: "As a community the more we talk about it the more we address it, the more we deal with it in our everyday lives the more healing we can offer everybody... it is about reaching out and that is the message I want to give everybody, keep talking about it." I've written a novel where one of my main characters deals with depression and suicide.  It's a weighty issue that needs to be brought more into the light.  There are ways to connect, ways to help bring this subject to the forefront. I met an author recently who really speaks to the heart of mental illness and is great at creating a community of similar people around this topic and more: Check out on twitter:   @ JulieBipolar or at Her Blog: Also, "Out...