
Showing posts from December, 2010

God and Daughters.

"Mom, are you going to die in December?" my six year old daughter asked. "No." I continued picking up dirty clothes from her bedroom floor. "Am I going to die in December?" cuddled onto her side, she looked over at me from her twin bed, little pink hands tucked under full rosy cheeks. "No," I paused in my clean up to look into her big brown eyes, "And why December?" "Because that's when the calendar ends." "No honey, it's a cycle. I already bought the January 2011 calendar, it just loops around." Death has been a topic of interest lately for my six year old daughter. "Mom, what happens when we die?" My first answer was honest, "I don't know what happens. I know we are connected and we will always be connected in our hearts. You will always be in my heart and I will always be in yours." Okay, kind of a lame answer, but it was under pressure and never rehearsed. ...

Nested in the Northwest

Nested in the Northwest Every raindrop a kiss, a blessing from the sky herself The lower the cloud, the tighter the embrace The fog protecting, holding The earth here wants to blanket me in moss Cover my body in her abundance And take me back Into her arms Down into the fertile soil Encompassing me whole Leaving only a free soul Able to drift up Lightened of living load ___________________________ * I wrote the poem thinking of abundance and acceptance, of nature itself. Only after I read it back to myself, did I see some resemblance to death. But it's really about life. Even so, aren't they just sides of the same coin?